Supervision notification

You can submit a notification of suspected violation of the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings using this formLink to an external website.

Note! Do not copy the link but fill in the form from the link in the opening window. The form cannot be sent if you copy the title field to a new window or browser.


The identity of the notifying party and the fact that the supervisory measure has been taken following the notification will be kept confidential. Without permission from the notifying party, their identity can only be disclosed to the police for the purposes of solving a suspected crime. 

Opinions of the Cooperation Ombudsman are not legally binding

The views expressed in opinions of the Cooperation Ombudsman are not legally binding, and an opinion may not be appealed (Chapter 7, Sections 43–45 and 48 of the Administrative Procedure Act and Section 2 of the Act on Cooperation Ombudsman). A binding legal position can only be given by a court. 

The Cooperation Ombudsman does not supervise the central or local government sectors

Please note that the Cooperation Ombudsman does not supervise compliance with the Act on Cooperation within Central Government Agencies and Institutions (1233/2013) or the Act on Cooperation within Local Government and Wellbeing Services Counties (449/2007).