Plan and principles for action

When the employer is considering employment contract terminations concerning one or more employees, the employer must draw up either a plan for action or principles for action, depending on the number of the employees in question.

Action plan to be drawn up when planning to serve notice of termination to at least 10 employees

If the terminations affect at least 10 employees, the employer must present a proposal for a plan for action at the beginning of the change negotiations.

The purpose of the plan is to provide structure for the progress and practical realisation of the negotiations. In addition, it describes the measures that are taken to alleviate the negative consequences of terminations. The plan for action is discussed and, if necessary, complemented during the negotiations.

On the content of the Action Plan

The plan for action must indicate the planned schedule of the change negotiations. It must present a preliminary proposal of dates reserved for the negotiations and of the topic addressed in each negotiation meeting.

In addition, the plan must also include the procedures applied in the negotia-tions. It may be a question of different matters related to the negotiation arrangements, such as in which kind of team composition negotiations are held, how and when negotiation materials are distributed or how negotiation minutes are drawn up and inspected.

In addition, the plan for action must indicate the principles according to which the use of public employment services, jobseeking and training are promoted during and after the notice period.

The principles must be presented when considering serving notice of termination to fewer than 10 employees

If the employer is considering employment contract terminations concerning fewer than 10 employees, they have to present, at the beginning of the change negotiations, the principles of action according to which the employees’ independent application for other work or training and participation in public employment services are supported during the notice period.